Junior Bible Quizzing Buzzer Systems

We offer three systems with Player Handpads with 100% lockout.

We also offer the Individual Buzzing Handpad.

Officiator 10 Player System with Player Handpads

Officiator 10 Player System
Player Handpads
Prices starting at $375

Pro.to.go System with Player Handpads

Battery Operated Pro.to.go
Player Handpads
Prices starting at $194

Elite System with Player Handpads

Elite 32 Player System
Player Handpads
Prices starting at $556

Individual Player Handpad

Individual Buzzing Player Handpad ~ $35

* For practicing buzzing in
* Player Handpad with built-in buzzer
* Powered by a replaceable coin battery (CR 2032)
* Does not plug into an interface box
* Model # HP-BB

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